- Good is the enemy of great – from book called “Good to great”.
- Good is outdated for most, it is boring, unattractive, an uneasy going life style & hardly seen anywhere. Even good needs advertising.
- There is no proofs or guarantee that doing good deeds will make you end up with having good results or face good all the time.
- Good cannot make you happy in this current era unlike bad because good is a bundle of ethical or moral rules which are tough making your life tougher and which would limit most of the things that you like in having.
- Good cannot make you productive in a very short time as compared to bad, no matter how much you try hard. It is a law that bad spreads faster than good.
- There is nothing like an instant karma in this particular case which could analyze your deeds that you did in a day and provide your results at the end of the day punishing accordingly.
- In this current era, Good brings you a different impression that you are coward, failure, a monster, in our language in fact in Indian terms an *item which makes one to get scared to be as good.
- The purest form of good or the extreme point of good is god which is hardly known by many educated.
- 90% of the people are lenient towards bad as it makes their lives easy going where as a 10% few still stick to their principles fighting against hard lives. This 10% always fails to influence in changing that 90% at any cost.
- The failure of educational systems, society, families in teaching the generations more about in being & doing good. In fact they always teach about achieving or being in great than being good.
Great perspective and nice post!
Thanks for your time in reading my post. :)
Great Perspective, I am must say. Ravinder, I would love to write for our online magazine, Cupid Sapeaks, do have a look.
Cupid Speaks
Well, thanks for going through my post Akshita. Its great to hear. I am unable to find your email id to reply back. If you can throw your email here or else email me @ ravinderkumar.k@gmail.com. We will talk about it. Thanks
Bad can be defeated, Good can't
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